Start Your FREE 2025 CA DMV Practice Test Now
Whether you’re cruising the streets of Los Angeles or Highway 1 outside Big Sur, the best way to get on the road is by taking our California DMV practice tests. They help you retain knowledge 73% better than studying the manual alone, whether you’re preparing for your Class C Instruction Permit test, driver’s license test, or senior citizens’ refresher test.
Start Your FREE 2025 CA DMV CDL Practice Test Now
If winding down roads with wine barrels on a flatbed or taking lumber over the I-5 is calling out to you, driving trucks is for you. You'll need a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). Before heading over to the DMV, make sure you know what you need. We've got practice tests covering the official exam and additional endorsements like passenger and school busses, doubles/triples, tank vehicles, hazardous materials, and more. These practice tests are for commercial transport only. For Car tests, switch to the Car Tests tab.
Start Your FREE 2025 CA DMV Practice Test Now
Whether you’re cruising the streets of Los Angeles or Highway 1 outside Big Sur, the best way to get on the road is by taking our California DMV practice tests. They help you retain knowledge 73% better than studying the manual alone, whether you’re preparing for your Class C Instruction Permit test, driver’s license test, or senior citizens’ refresher test.